Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Course Reflection

            During this course, I have learned a numerous of things. I have learned the NET-S standards for teachers which are what students should be able to do. I learned how to create a blogger and upload blogs on it as well as how to upload an assignment on turnitin.com, which is an online site that discovers whether the work you write is yours or not. I learned how to create a concept map using inspirations, how to create a movie, how to use tools from the web, how to use Google as an online learning community, how to change things for students with disabilities using assistive technology as well as how to create a teacher web page. Overall, I enjoyed each and every assignment because they each taught me something I did not know. I am now well acquainted with a computer and how to use its different features.
I would not categorize any of the assignments as a weak or strong point because they each taught me something I did not know beforehand. I feel that I grasped each assignment very well and did not encounter any major problems. I feel that from every assignment I took something away in which I would incorporate into my future classroom. I would integrate technology by having the students do similar assignments that were given in class. For example, I could have my students create a concept map on two characters and then write a compare and contrast paper on the characters. After they complete the writing activity, they could upload the assignment on turnitin.com to see how turnitin detect when they have plagiarized. Another way I could integrate technology is if I have students who have hearing impairments, visual impairments, and so on. I could change the settings on the computer so the students could also participate when it comes to technology as well. I could also integrate technology by having the student create a movie that contains pictures of them as a baby until the present. It would be like a timeline and show how times consistently change over time.
Overall, this class has been very beneficial to my educational experience. I have even used rubistar to create a rubric for another one of my classes. Without this class, I would have never known this website existed. I will continue to use the information I have learned throughout this course in my everyday life as well as in my future classroom. In conclusion, this class has better prepared me for my classroom in using technology, and I will continue to use it throughout college and in the future.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Web Page Blog

              Creating a webpage has taught me a lot about the many different resources that are available to teachers. I learned that gmail.com has many different options available that can be used as a tool for teachers. From this assignment, I learned about different clip art websites and banner websites and also how to attach them to my webpage. I also  I learned that creating a web page is an easy task that can serves as a big purpose when it comes to your classroom and also the viewing of others. Creating this webpage brought out the creativity that I thought I did not possess. Overall, the creation of this page has resulted into a finished product that is professional as well as useful to my career.
                I did not encounter any problems while completing the assignment.  The instructions were explained very clearly and concisely.
                This topic could be integrated into future by having the students create a web page of their own about their future career. They will have to provide different information that is formulated by their teacher according to their field. This opportunity will get the students familiar with how to actually make a web page and also bring out the creativity in the students.
                The NETS-T standard that best fits this assignment is design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments. The standard allows one to incorporate digital tools to promote creativity as well as student learning. The assignment requires one to design their own web page so therefore they will have to be creative and think about what it is they would like to do and also the students are learning how to access different sites to find banners, clip art, and etc. The standard involves setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning as well as assessing it. With the assignment, the students have to think professionally about their webpage because it would be for the public to view it. They would be learning about all the different components that make up a web page and also checking the page frequently to update it, which requires students to assess their site.
To see the web page I created, click here.