Sunday, March 31, 2013

Turnitin Assignment

From the turnitin assignment, I learned that if you are not careful, it is easy to plagiarize even when it is not your intentions. Even summarizing something someone else wrote is considered plagiarizing because those were not your initial thoughts. To be on the safe side any time you use someone else’s work, cite it. That is the best most useful thing I can take from this assignment.
I did not encounter any problems while completing this assignment. The turnitin assignment sheet that was given by the instructor was very informing and guided me through the assignment with no problems. Also, the website was very easy to navigate through. I think that was because I was already familiar with turnitin before now.
I can relate this in a future lesson by having the students to submit all their writing assignments through turnitin. This will insure that the students are coming up with their own ideas and not passing someone else’s work as their own. The students would then be familiar with turnitin for future classes as well.
The NETS-T standard that best fit this assignment is the one that promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility. This standard involves the use of digital information and technology and also the appropriate documentation of sources. The turnitin assignment involved the use of technology and information being uploaded to the computer. The website detects whether or not sources are cited properly; so by completing this assignment, it shows what happens and the percentage when they are not cited properly and then guide you into the correct way of completing the assignment successfully and also what it should look like when you have not plagiarized.
To see the turnitin assignment I create, click here.

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